Se inauguró la obra de electrificación rural en el Paraje Naunanco

El gobernador de la provincia de Neuquen,  Omar Gutiérrez, acompañados por funcionarios provinciales dejó  inaugurado  la obra de electrificación rural y un salón de usos múltiples (SUM) en el paraje Trailathué y Naunanco.

Las obras eléctricas beneficiarán a 44 pobladores y demandaron una inversión de 7,3 millones de pesos. En la jornada también visitó el paraje Tres Chorros, donde inauguró un SUM, una posta sanitaria y la red domiciliaria de agua potable.

De las actividades participaron también los ministros de Salud y Desarrollo Social, Ricardo Corradi Diez; y de Producción y Turismo, José Brillo; la diputada provincial Alma Sapag y el coordinador ejecutivo del Programa de Servicios Agrícolas Provinciales (Prosap) del ministerio de Agroindustria de la Nación, Alejandro Gennari, el Coordinador Ejecutivo de la Unidad Provincial de Enlace y Ejecución de Proyectos con Financiamiento Externo (UPEFE), Jorge Ferrería  y demás funcionarios.

El mandatario provincial  agradeció al gobierno nacional por llevar a la práctica “aquello de que obra comenzada sea obra terminada. Estas obras forman parte de la agenda federal. Cuando uno descentraliza el sistema de salud o de educación, cuando lleva adelante obras de servicios básicos como agua, luz, un centro o una posta sanitaria, entiendo yo que es la manera de agradecer a los padres y abuelos; a aquellos que parieron en este lugar la provincia y la patria”.

Según el mandatario, se trata de una forma “de honrarlos y de ser coherentes con el compromiso de generar porvenir y futuro para nuestros hijos y nietos”.

“Se puede construir porvenir y futuro fruto del trabajo de cada uno de ustedes, de trabajar la tierra”, expresó, y precisó que “la llegada de la luz a 17 parajes rurales con una inversión de más de 30 millones de pesos, con un recorrido de más de 700 kilómetros motiva, también, que nos encontremos”.

Las obras eléctricas comprenden 15,8 kilómetros de líneas de media tensión 13,2 kv trifásicas; 9,8 kilómetros de líneas bifásicas y 6,5 kilómetros de líneas de baja tensión, además de subestaciones.

Gennari, por su parte, destacó que desde Nación “colaboramos con la provincia en el tendido de los 700 kilómetros de electrificación rural, con la orden del presidente (Mauricio Macri) de atender a los gobernadores de todos los colores políticos, sin distinción”, finalizó el funcionario nacional.

I hurried into the local CCBA test department store Learningpdf to grab1 some last minute Cisco Certification Exams Chirsmas gifts. I looked at Examprepwell Cisco Certification Exams all the people and grumbled2 to myself. I would be Certification Exam in Cisco Certification Exams here forever Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically and I just had so much to Cisco Certification Exams Certification Exam do. Chirsmas was beginning Cisco Certification Exams to become such a drag. I kinda wished that Learningpdf I Cisco Certification Exams could just sleep through Chirsmas. But I hurried the best I could through Learningpdf all the people to the Cisco Certification Exams toy department. Once again I kind of mumbled3 to myself at the Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically prices of all these toys, and Examprepwell wondered Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically if the grandkids Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically would even play whit4 them. I found myself in the doll aisle5. Out of Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically the corner of my eye I saw a little boy about 5 holding a Certification Exam lovely doll.He kept touching6 her hair and he held her so gently. I could not seem to help myself. I just kept loking over at the little boy and wondered who the doll was for. I watched him turn to a woman and he called his aunt by name and said, «Are you sure I don’t have enough money?» CCBA test She replied a bit Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically impatiently, «You know that you don’t have enough money for it.» The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere that CCBA test she had to go and get some other things and would Examprepwell be back in a few minutes. And then she left the aisle. The boy continued to hold the doll. CCBA test After a bit I asked the boy who the doll was for. Certification Exam He Learningpdf said, «It is the doll Certification Exam my sister wanted so badly for Chirsmas. She just knew that Santa would bring it. «I told him Learningpdf that maybe Santa was going to bring it . He said, «No, Santa can’t go where my sister is…. I have to Cisco Certification Exams give the doll to my Mama to take to her. «I asked him where his siter was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, Cisco Certification Exams «She was gone to be with Jesus.

My Daddy says that Mamma is going Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically to have to go be with her.» My heart nearly Certification Exam stopped Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically beating. Then the boy looked at me again and said, «I CCBA test told my Daddy to tell my Mama not to go yet. I told him to tell her to wait till I got back CCBA test from the store.» Then he Examprepwell asked me if i wanted to see his picture. I told him I’d love to. He CCBA test Certification Exam pulled Examprepwell out some picture he’d had taken at the front of the Learningpdf store. He said, «I want my Mama to take Cisco Certification Exams this Cisco Certification Exams with her so the dosen’t ever forget me. I love my Mama so very much and I wish she dind not have to leave me.But Daddy says she will need to Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically be with my sister.» I saw that the little boy had lowered his head and had grown so qiuet. While he was not looking I reached into my purse and pilled out a handful of bills. I asked the little boy, «Shall Examprepwell we Learningpdf count that miney one more time?» He grew excited and said, «Yes,I just know it has to be enough.» So I slipped my money in with his and we began to Learningpdf count it . Of Learningpdf course it was plenty for the doll. He softly said, Examprepwell CCBA test «Thank you Examprepwell Jesus for Learningpdf giving me enough money.» Then the boy said, «I Certification Exam just asked Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically Jesus Examprepwell Examprepwell to give me Certification Exam enough money to buy this doll so Mama can take it with her to Examprepwell Examprepwell give my sister. And he heard Cisco Certification Exams my CCBA test prayer. I wanted Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically to ask him Learningpdf give for enough to buy my CCBA test Cisco Certification Exams Mama a white rose, but I didn’t ask him, but he gave me enough to buy the doll Cisco Certification Exams and a rose for my Mama. She loves white Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically rose so much. CCBA test «In Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically a few minutes the aunt Certification Exam came back and I wheeled my cart away. Examprepwell Cisco Certification Exams I could not keep from Examprepwell thinking about the little CCBA test boy as I finished my shoppong in a ttally different spirit than when I had started. And I kept remembering a story I had Certification Exam seen in the Examprepwell newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting a car and Certification Exam killing7 a little girl and the Mother was CCBA test in serious condition. The family was Examprepwell deciding on whether to remove Certification Exam the life support. Now surely this little boy did Certification Exam not belong with that CCBA test story.Two days later I read in the CCBA test paper where Certification Exam the family had disconnected the life Learningpdf support and the young Learningpdf woman had died. Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically I could not forget the little boy and just kept wondering if the two were Certification Exam somehow connected. Later that day, I could not Learningpdf CCBA test help myself and I went out and bought aome white roses and took them to the funeral home where the yough woman was Cisco Certification Exams .And there she was holding a Learningpdf lovely white rose, Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically the beautiful doll, and the picture of the little boy in the store. I left there in tears, Learningpdf thier life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sisiter and his mother was overwhel. And in a split8 second a Scaling out Horizontally, Not Just Vertically drunk driver had ripped9 the life of that little boy to pieces.

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